3 DIY Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin


Oily and sensitive skin types can be a real problem. It’s often associated with acne breakouts, blackheads, and even clogged pores. While there are Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin and commercial products out there designed to treat oily skin, sometimes you just want to try a few simple home remedies.

Here are three DIY face masks that you can use if you have sensitive skin. They’re inexpensive, effective, and won’t leave your skin feeling greasy afterward.

Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin

Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin

1. Acne-prone skin mask


  • 1/2 cup of honey
  • 1/4 cup of water

Directions: Mix together the ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Apply to clean face and leave on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Use this mask once or twice per week depending on your needs.

2. Blackhead Remover

– Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Directions: Mix these ingredients together in a small bowl. Once mixed, apply to affected areas and gently massage in circular motions. Allow it to stay on for 5-10 minutes before washing it off with warm water or cleansing wipes. You may need to repeat this procedure several times each day.

3. Cleanser

– Ingredients:

  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 lemon

Directions: Cut the avocado and squeeze the juice from it. Add to a bowl along with the fresh lemon juice and stir well. Use this cleanser every morning after showering or bathing.

4. Hyperpigmentation mask

– Ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of honey
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil

Directions: Combine the honey and olive oil in a bowl or jar with a lid. Mix well until it forms a paste-like consistency. Apply this mask on a clean face and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing off. You may also use this mask as an overnight treatment.

Use this recipe for oily, sensitive, dry, combination, and normal skins.

5. Gram flour face mask

– Ingredients:

  • Gram flour
  • Water
  • Rosewater

Directions: Add gram flour to a bowl and add rosewater. Stir well and apply to face. Let it dry for 20 minutes before rinsing away with warm water.

See also

6. Avocado Face Mask

 Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin

– Ingredients:

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 teaspoon of honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Directions: Mash the avocado and combine with honey and lemon juice. Apply to the face and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing. This will help clear up blemishes and remove dead skin cells.

7. Herbal Tea Facial Mask

 Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin

– Ingredients:

  • Teabags
  • Almond milk
  • Herbs

Directions: Place tea bags inside a mug and pour almond milk over top. Cover with herbs and steep for at least five minutes. Strain out the herbs and discard them. Pour the herbal tea into a bowl and apply it to the face. Wait for 10 minutes before rinsing.

8. Lemon Juice & Aloe Vera Mask

– Ingredients:

  • Lemon juice
  • Aloe vera gel

Directions: Pour aloe vera gel into a bowl and add some lemon juice. Mix well and apply to the face and wait for 10 minutes before rinsing.

9. Honey & Yogurt Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • Yogurt
  • Raw Honey

Directions: Mix yogurt and honey together in a bowl.

Apply the honey face mask to the face and let it sit for about ten minutes before rinsing it off.

10. Banana Peel Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • 2 bananas
  • Olive Oil

Directions: Peel the bananas and mash them together with olive oil. Apply to the face and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing.

11. Egg White Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • 1 egg white
  • Coconut oil

Directions: Beat the egg white until frothy. Combine coconut oil and egg white in a bowl. Apply the mixture to the face and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

12. Green Tea Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • green tea powder
  • Milk
  • Egg yolk

Directions: Blend green tea powder and milk together in a blender. Add egg yolk and blend again. Apply to the face and wait for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

13. Rose Water Face Mask

 Face Masks If You Have Oily Skin– Ingredients:

  • rose water
  • Milk

Directions: Mix rose water and milk together in a bowl. Allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes before applying it to the face. Rinse it off when ready.

14. Coconut Milk Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • coconut milk

Directions: Place coconut milk in a bowl and mix well apply to face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

15. Apple Cider Vinegar Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • apple cider vinegar

Directions: Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a bowl. Allow the mixture to sit for 15 minutes and then apply to the face. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

16. Orange Peel Face Mask

– Ingredients

  • Orange peel
  • Butter

Directions: Cut the orange peel into small pieces. Melt butter in a pan and add orange peel. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool down. When cooled, place in refrigerator overnight. The next day, remove from fridge and apply to face. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

17. Tomato Paste Face Mask

– Ingredients:

  • tomato paste
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar

Directions: Mix tomato paste, sugar, and vinegar together in a bowl. Add enough water to make a thick paste. Apply to face and rinse after 15 minutes.


In summary, these are some key takeaways:

  • Use natural ingredients like fruits, vegetables, herbs, or spices to create your own homemade facial masks.
  • Make sure you use organic products whenever possible.
  • Some of the recipes above can be used as both face masks and body scrubs.
  • Don’t forget to moisturize afterward.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after using any mask.
  • Avoid touching your eyes while wearing a mask.
  • Remember that all skin types require different treatments so don’t feel limited by what I have shared here.
  • Try out new recipes and experiment with different combinations.


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